PROOFTAG is the owner of all intellectual property rights relating to the Site and the QRnutri trademarks.
The entire QRnutri site (structure, presentation and content) constitutes works protected by French and international legislation in force on copyright and, in general, on intellectual property.
The general structure of the Site, but also the elements accessible on the Site, in particular in the form of texts, photographs, animated or non-animated images, icons, maps, sounds, videos, software, database, data and all other elements composing the Site are the exclusive property of the Publisher.
All rights, including in particular exploitation rights, reproduction and extraction rights on any medium, of all or part of the data, files and all elements appearing in the web pages of this site, as well as the rights of representation and reproduction on any medium, of all or part of the site itself, the rights of modification, adaptation or translation, are reserved exclusively for the publisher, – and any of its beneficiaries – and this, subject to the pre-existing rights of third parties who have authorized the digital reproduction and / or integration into this site, by the publisher, of their works of any nature whatsoever.
Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, total or partial, of an element of this site by any process whatsoever without the express prior authorization of the publisher is prohibited, and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
The trademarks of the publisher of the site and its partners, as well as the company names and logos appearing on the site are protected. Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks or logos, made from the elements of the site without the express authorization of the publisher or his successors in title is therefore prohibited, within the meaning of Article L 713 – 2 of the Intellectual Property Code.
The User is informed that the word “QR Code” is an international trademark registered by the company KABUSHIKI KAISHA DENSO (DENSO CORPORATION) which has reserved its use.
The User declares that he has sufficient rights to authorize Prooftag to record data and then generate a Nutritional QR Code creating a link to Nutrition Sheets as part of the provision of the Service. In addition, the User acknowledges and accepts that the dissemination of Nutritional QR Codes by any means whatsoever is carried out under his sole responsibility and control. As such, the User undertakes to identify and guarantee PROOFTAG from any recourse by third parties.
PROOFTAG grants the User the right to reproduce and represent each QR Code generated through the Platform on any medium of his choice, without limit of number or format, worldwide and this, during the term of protection applicable to these works.
Consequently, PROOFTAG cannot be held liable for infringement or unfair competition actions against the User concerning the veracity of the data accessible via QR Codes